The Director of Agricultural Media Resources and Extension Centre (AMREC), Prof. (Mrs.) Dorcas Adegbite presenting a bulk of Cassava stems to beneficiaries at the special training for farmers in Best Practices for Cassava Cultivation.
Not less than 100 farmers have been trained on ‘Best Practices in Cassava Cultivation’ by the Agricultural Media Resources and Extension Centre (AMREC) of the University in collaboration with Cassava Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA II ) Project, Cassava Weed Management Project (CWMP) and Community Based Farming Scheme (COBFAS).
The main objective of the Training was to support farmers in the production of high yielding varieties of cassava, using the best agronomic practices, including weed management strategies, with the aim of reducing the yield gap and increasing farmers income.
In her Welcome Address, the Director of AMREC, Professor (Mrs.) Dorcas Adegbite explained that the University through AMREC, brought the training to Iwoye-Ketu, in order to boost cassava production in the area.
Emphasizing the importance of cassava as a major staple crop in Nigeria, Professor Adegbite disclosed that its role in increasing farmers income and improving their livelihood cannot be overemphasized.
Delivering his Opening Remarks, the Vice-Chancellor, represented by the Director, Directorate of University Farms (DUFARMS), Mr. Joseph Olobasola implored the farmers to utilize the knowledge to be acquired from the training to boost their agricultural production.
According to him, researchers have developed new technologies on cassava and improved agricultural practices that will increase the tonnage of cassava from the usual 12-15 tonnes per hectare to 30-50 tonnes per hectare.
The Technical Session of the training exposed participants to cassava utilization as an industrial raw material, basic steps in cassava production, derivatives from cassava, cultural operations in cassava production and potentials in cassava production in Nigeria.
Other Resource Persons at the Training emphasized the need to have effective weed management techniques through the use of pre and post-emergence herbicides, while participants were taken through steps in calibrating knapsack sprayer and safety tips in the use of agrochemicals. As well as demonstration of spraying of herbicides.
Responding on behalf of the participants, the Alaye of Iwoye-Ketu, HRH Joel Ademola Aremu appreciated FUNAAB for bringing the programme to Iwoye-Ketu and lauded AMREC for the support received from the Centre.
He further appreciated AMREC for the past trainings such as ‘Training on Cotton Production, Bee Keeping Practice and Medicinal uses of Honey.