University High Powered Delegation Visits Chancellor … Seeks His Approval for FUNAAB’s 26th Convocation Ceremony
The Chancellor and the Obong of Calabar, His Royal Eminence, Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu(V), (Middle, Sitting); the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council, Dr. (Barr.) Aboki Zhawa (3rd Left, Sitting); the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Kolawole Salako (3rd Right, Sitting); the Registrar, Dr. ‘Bola Adekola (2nd Right, Sitting); Mrs. Nnena Ezeomah (2nd Left, Sitting); the Dean, COLPLANT, Prof. Mufutau Atayese (Left, Sitting) and HRH Etubon (Prof.) Eneobong E. Eneobong (Right, Sitting), as well as other members of the Obong’s Council and top officials of the University
The University Governing Council led by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, Dr. (Barr.) Aboki Zhawa has paid an official visit to the Chancellor of the University, the Natural Ruler and the Treaty King as well as the Grand Patriarch of the Efik Kingdom, the Obong of Calabar, His Royal Eminence, Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu(V), at his country home at the heart of Calabar, Cross Rivers State.
Speaking at the meeting, the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council, Dr. (Barr.) Aboki Zhawa stated that the success of every organisation is the leadership and the quality of the people around the leader, commending the Chancellor for sacrificing his time to meet with the University delegation. He paid glowing tributes to the Chancellor for the fatherly role being played in the affairs of the University.
Dr. Zhawa, however, used the occasion to inform and seek the approval of the Chancellor for the forthcoming University’s 26th Convocation Ceremony slated between November 16 and 23, 2018. According to the Pro-Chancellor, “We don’t want to be a law unto ourselves. That is why we have come to inform you and get your blessing”.
The Pro-Chancellor further stated that the University Senate has resolved to honour with honorary Doctorate Degrees two Nigerians who have distinguished themselves in their professions globally, adding that the Senate believed the duo would add value to the University. According to him, they are Professor Wole Soyinka, a Noble Laureate and Professor Toyin Falola of the University of Texas at Austin.
Reeling out his milestones over the past 11 months, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kolawole Salako stated that the University Administration had enjoyed the best of cooperation from the Chancellor, noting that the First Class Monarch came for an Ogun State event which coincided with the University’s 30th Anniversary Celebration. The Vice-Chancellor added that the Chancellor honoured the University event while on campus throughout the celebration.University High Powered Delegation Visits Chancellor … Seeks His Approval for FUNAAB’s 26th Convocation Ceremony
Professor Salako stressed that within the last one year, the University Management had ensured discipline with members of staff being punctual at their duty posts, stating that the administration had also been democratic in its affairs. According to the Vice-Chancellor, lateness to the office had reduced drastically among staff members without even wielding the big stick.
The Vice-Chancellor, noted that the University is achieving results without harsh measures, saying that “We won’t witch-hunt anyone but we won’t tolerate indiscipline”. He further stated that more than 90% of promotion exercise was successful, stressing that those who were not promoted, didn’t merit it.
The Sixth Substantive Vice-Chancellor of the University stated that the University Management raised the number of functional FUNAABOT Buses in the fleet from seven to 19 through appropriate repairs, noting that it made the recent Post-UTME to be hitch-free. He further said that the University had been enjoying a robust collaboration from eminent donor organisations, one of which is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, adding that the Institution was celebrated recently by the World Bank and the National Universities Commission (NUC), on the African Centre of Excellence (ACE).
On challenges, Professor Salako noted the state of disrepair of the University link road from Camp Junction, assuring to get it fixed by palliative means before the Convocation Ceremony.
Responding, the Chancellor commended the Pro-Chancellor for the achievement of the turn-around in the University. He noted that the Pro-Chancellor is an experienced and well-exposed Administrator, adding that he was pleased with the Vice-Chancellor’s achievements.
He advised the University Governing Council on synergy, saying that they have started well and prayed that they would also end well. The Chancellor therefore said that “We want the University to be back to what it was and beyond”, approving the Convocation Ceremony as well as giving his blessings for the event.
Present at the meeting were the Registrar, Dr. Bola Adekola; Mrs. Nnena Ezeomah; Dean, College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT), Professor Mufutau Atayese and the Council Affairs Officer, Mr. Moses Ayanda.
Others were members of the Obong’s Council, HRH Etubon (Prof.) Eneobong E. Eneobong; His Highness Eyo Bassey Ndem; His Highness, Eyo Efiom Henshaw and Otuekong Francis Edet.